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Thanks to the kind generosity of all of our donors, Blessing in Disguise will continue to provide free of charge, a range of life enhancing equipment, activities and social/recreational opportunities and experiences for children and young people with disabilities.

Annual Events Calendar

  • February - B.I.D. Annual Coffee Morning

  • March/April - ‘Easter Egg & Toy’ run to Hospices, Local Hospital Children’s wards and Special Educational Needs Schools (delivering toys and equipment donations)

  • May - Blessing in Disguise & A.L. Silcock V.I.P. Fun Fair Event at DW Stadium

  • June - Big Raffle Father's Day (16th June)

  • 'Circus Starr' exclusive SEN circus event - 10th June at Preston, 14th June at Wigan and 27th June 2024 at Oldham.

  • July - Santa in July for children who may have been ill, battling life threatening conditions over the last festive period or for whom enjoying Christmas in December is just not an option. Nomination form (PDF) Nomination form (Word)

  • October - B.I.D. Halloween Party for Disabled Children and Young People

  • Blessing in Disguise & A.L. Silcock V.I.P. Fun Fair Events at DW Stadium

  • 'Kidz Up North Event’, Manchester 11th October 2024, 9.30am-4.00pm

  • November - B.I.D. Anniversary

  • December - ‘Christmas Gift’ run to Hospices, Local Hospital Children’s wards, SEN Children’s Homes, and SEN Schools (delivering toys and equipment donations)

  • Christmas Party for Disabled Children and Young People


Quarterly Events

  • Trustee Meetings

  • Networking Coffee Mornings in the community hosted by Adults with Disabilities.


Weekly Events

  • ‘Swim-Ability’ at local community pool (Courses of 10 sessions) enabling disabled and special needs children and young people to have exclusive pool access to learn to swim and have therapy sessions without any pressure from the general public.


Adhoc Events

If you would like to fundraise for Blessing in Disguise, here are some ideas that you could do to help raise money for us...

  • Charity Auctions / Casino Nights / Bingo / Raffles / Sponsored Events – sponsored runs, swims etc

  • Donations of new and nearly new items to sell online

  • Donations of new items for our 'Cost of Living' Packs

Events Archive




2015 Coffee Morning (photos 12/02/15)

Diary Dates

We will be looking out for families of children and young people with life-limiting illnesses and disabilities throughout the year and supplying 'Cost of Living' parcels for those that need it to try and meet some of the shortfalls that they may be facing 

2024-07 25 Santa in July V.I.P. Christmas Party

2024-10 TBC B.I.D. & A.L. Silcock V.I.P. Fun Fair event at DW Stadium, Wigan (Car Park 1) 

2024-12 (TBC) Santa's Grotto @B.I.D. H.Q.

School Holiday Activities for you to download

​​I've got this board - Download this activity pack for your children to make fun activity boards

Goodnight Glowing Cube - Download and print this for your children to make

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