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Santa's Beard Shave 28/01/2019

Santa's Beard Shave 28th Janury 2019 at 9.30am at Kals Barbers, Westhoughton

Christmas is over... new year, new clean start, new growth... Our very own Santa (Ian Bithell of St. John Ambulance, Wigan) is braving the shave and having his silver beard off. Our cheeky Santa will take it on the chin and be a smooth Santa for the remainder of January and he will be back with full beard for our 'Santa in July' event at The Bellingham Hotel in July 2019 for terminally ill children and children who may have been seriously ill, battling life threatening conditions over the last festive period or for whom enjoying Christmas in December is just not an option.

Each year Santa voluntarily gives up his time to support Blessing in Disguise's VIP Santa in July event, VIP Christmas party in December and the B.I.D.'s HQ Christmas Grotto throughout December.

Blessing in Disguise have a fundraising page for people to show their support and sponsor Santa to continue to support children through across the North West.

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